CFP: Palestine and the First World War - New Perspectives (2/1/07; 9/3/07-9/6/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Eitan Bar-Yosef
contact email: 

Call for Papers

International Conference:
"Palestine and the First World War - New Perspectives"

The Tel-Hai Academic College in Upper Galilee, Israel, is planning an
international academic conference to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the
Palestine Campaign during the First World War and the British occupation of
Jerusalem in 1917. The conference will be held on 3-6 September 2007 at the
college's campus at Tel-Hai. Official languages: English and Hebrew with
simultaneous translation.

The conference will examine the period and the campaign in historical
perspective, emphasizing the broader context of the Great War in general and
the war in the Middle Eastern theatre in particular. It aims to present
perspectives for "all sides of the hill", focusing on recent research and
new approaches.

The organizing committee seeks proposals on the following topics:
a) Strategy (including the campaign and region in the broader
perspectives of a worldwide coalition war and a revolution in the military
b) Military and political dimensions (including topics of air warfare,
technology, intelligence, military medicine, guerrilla warfare, political
agreements, nationalism, peace negotiations and borders).
c) "Tommy" and "Johnny Turk" - the ordinary soldier and the campaign.
d) Civilian society and population in Palestine.
e) Cultural aspects (including images, literature, art and religion).
f) Historiography, ethos, commemoration and memory.
g) The significance of the campaign and the period for the country and
the Middle East in general.

* The College will cover travel and accommodation expenses for participants.

Proposals, up to 250 words including personal and academic details, should
be e-mailed no later than 1 February 2007, to Ms. Diana Rachamim, Conference
Coordinator Tel-Hai Academic College, e-mail:

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Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:15:08 EST
