CFP: Progress and Personal Prosperity (11/20/06; INCS, 4/19/07-4/21/07)
Progress and Personal Prosperity=20
I am seeking papers for a panel at the 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary =
Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference (INCS), to be held April 19-21, =
2007 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. The themes of this =
year's INCS meeting are communication, technological development, and =
scientific discovery. More information may be obtained at =
The proposed panel will focus on the intimate, personal consequences of =
progress in communication, technology, or science. Among the questions =
that might be considered are: What are the consequences of such =
progress for individuals' formulation of and ability to achieve their =
goals? How does progress promote (or limit) their personal prosperity? =
What difference does it make to their worldview or their imagined =
possibilities for personal agency? How are familial and professional =
hierarchies affected? To what degree is the notion of progress itself =
endorsed? =20
Papers addressing matters of gender are particularly welcome.
Please email abstracts of 250 to 500 words by November 20, 2006 to:
Emily Haddad
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of English
The University of South Dakota
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:45:34 EST