CFP: The Grapes of Wrath (no deadline noted; collection)
Papers are being sought for a new volume in Rodopi Press's Dialogue series
dealing with John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. The goal is publication
in 2009, the seventieth anniversary of the novel's appearance. The
"Dialogue" series offers new and experienced scholars the opportunity to
present alternative readings and approaches to classic texts that have
received canonical acceptance in either American or Continental Literature.
The Grapes volume will be edited by Michael J. Meyer, the series editor and
the Steinbeck bibliographer. Seeking essays from both emerging and
experienced scholars. *Emerging scholars* will be defined by the following
criteria: MA ABD or recent PHD, Instructor, lecturer or Asst Prof status,
publications limited to articles in journals and monographs and / or chapter
studies; individuals who have 6 years or less from the awarding of a
doctoral degree. *Experienced scholars* will demonstrate the following:
teach at the Associate Prof level or above, have at least 7 years experience
from the awarding of the PHD, be published in book length studies, and/or be
considered to be an authority or well-known commentator on the title or
author. The editor will select 6 from each category and provide
controversial issues within the text to create a dialogue between writers.
For a list of the controversies and to express interest, please write
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:45:28 EST