CFP: Tomorrow's English Department: Blurring the Divide Between Literary and Composition Studies (11/30/06; EGSA, 2/16/07-2/17/0
17th Annual LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA
Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies
Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).
"Tomorrow's English Department: Blurring the Divide Between Literary
and Composition Studies."
We welcome submissions for a session on the future of compostion
studies, "Tomorrow's English Department: Blurring the Divide Between
Literary and Composition Studies." Thoeretical or praxeological
papers could investigate a variety of topics including:
- Blurring discipline and genre in composition classrooms
- Uses of literature/reading in the first-year writing program
- Multi-media reading and literacy
- Teachers' roles as gatekeepers to the academic discourse community
- Compostition methodologies
- Post-identity theory in the composition classroom
A detailed 250-300-word abstract is due by November 30, 2006, and
should be e-mailed to Joseph F. Brown <EGSA_at_LSU.EDU>. Please submit
your entry in the body of your email. No attachments, please. Send
your e-mails Attn: Future of Comp Session.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:15:24 EST