UPDATE: GLBTQ Conference: Queer Today, Where Tomorrow? (11/30/06; UNCA, 3/22/07-3/24/07)
We have extended the deadline for paper proposals to 11/30/06. See below:
CFP: GLBTQ Conference "Queer Today, Where Tomorrow?" (11/30/06; UNCA
Queer Today; Where Tomorrow?: Communal Identities and Political Entities
2007 GLBTQ Studies Conference at UNC Asheville
March 22-24, 2007, Asheville, NC
Keynote Speaker: Kate Bornstein
The UNCA GLBTQ conference is dedicated to the investigation of genders and
sexualities. This year, we invite submissions on the theme of queer futures
although all GLBTQ-related proposals will be considered. Elaborations on
this theme might include:
* rethinking queer institutionalization
* global futures
* radical agendas and conservative gains
* queer representations, expressions and cultures
* transgender status in queer communities
* gender roles and identity politics
* queer activism
* intersections of race, disability, and/or class
We welcome a range of approaches and participants, including faculty,
graduate, and undergraduate students. All formats will be considered,
including paper presentations (15-20 minutes), panels, workshops,
exhibitions and performances. Panels will consist of 3 or 4 papers.
Panel proposals & paper abstracts due November 30, 2006
Email or snailmail individual abstract (500 words) and panel proposals (700
words) to:
Dr. Amy Lanou
alanou_at_unca.edu <mailto:alanou_at_unca.edu>
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804-8508
Early Registration ($65 faculty, $55 graduate students, $35 undergraduate
students) due January 31, 2007. Full Registration ($75 faculty, $65 graduate
students, $45 undergraduate students) payable at time of conference. Daily
community passes will be available ($15); for community members and guests
the keynote fee will be $10.
KATE BORNSTEIN is an author, playwright and performance artist whose latest
book is "Hello, Cruel World: 101 Alternatives To Suicide For Teens, Freaks,
and Other Outlaws." Other published works include the books Gender Outlaw:
On Men, Women and the Rest of Us; and My Gender Workbook. Kate's books are
taught in over 120 colleges and universities around the world; and ze has
performed hir work live on college campuses, and in theaters and performance
spaces across North America, Europe, and Australia. Her new solo show, "Kate
Bornstein Is A Queer and Pleasant Danger" premieres in Manchester, England
in May, 2007.
For additional information, visit our website: http://www.unca.edu/queer
and/or send questions to Blake Hobby bhobby_at_unca.edu or Sophie Mills
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:14:29 EST