UPDATE: Historical Fiction (11/17/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Brian Adler
contact email: 

All travel and registration links on our website have now been
updated for 2007.
New Areas Added.
Still Accepting Proposals for Historical Fiction Panels
Proposal Deadline: November 17, 2006

Join the Southwest Texas PCA/ACA for our 28th annual meeting,
February 14-17, 2007 in beautiful, sunny, Albuquerque, New Mexico!

Proposals are still being accepted on the topic of Historical
Fiction. Listed below are some suggested lines of inquiry, but
topics not included here are also welcome. Individual papers (15-20
minute reading time) are welcome, as are complete panels focused on a
theme (or particular author).

Possible lines of inquiry:
Defining the genre of historical novel, or historical fiction more broadly.
Drawing the lines between truth, fiction, and history.
Historical fiction for children.
Oliver Stone and Werner Herzog.
Hemingway, Herr, O'Brien (and others): historical war fiction.
Mary Rowlandson and Harriet Beecher Stowe (and others): historical
fiction shaping American culture.
Historical fiction as metaphor.
The first novels as historical novels.
New rules/new roles for historical fiction.

Inquiries regarding this area and/or abstracts of 250 words may be
sent to Brian U. Adler at the e-mail or physical address below by
November 17, 2006. Please include a short CV.

Brian U. Adler, Ph.D.
Professor of English and Dean
The Graduate School
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698

The 2007 conference will feature an improved conference hotel
check-in, the "official" opening of Phil's Cyber Café for those
wanting to sit back check their email, enjoy a cup of coffee, or
simply chat with friends. The conference will feature a number of
popular and American culture scholars, special events, and plenary
sessions including featured book vendors. Our graduate student award
winners will be honored with a special evening event on Thursday,
February 15, 2007 recognizing their research and contributions to the
SW/TX organization.

Featured keynote speaker for 2007 is John Perry Barlow, once called
the Thomas Jefferson of Cyberspace; he is a retired Wyoming cattle
rancher, a former lyricist for the Grateful Dead (1971-1995), and
co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Since May of 1998,
he has been a Fellow at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for
Internet and Society. Mr. Barlow speaks on Friday, February 16,
2007 at our annual SW/TX keynote luncheon (11:30 - 1:00 p.m.) in the
Hyatt Regency's Hotel's Grand Ballroom.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:14:39 EST