UPDATE: Identities: Individual, Cultural, National (grad) (11/15/06; 3/31/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Claire Reynolds
contact email: 

Update CFP: Identities: Individual, Cultural, National, ...
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
2007 Graduate Student Conference: 31 March 2007
URI Memorial Union, 8:00 am-5:45 pm
Deadline 15 November 2006

Keynote Speaker: Ann Harleman, Ph. D.
Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design.

Dr. Harleman, the author of the novel Bitter Lake and short story collection
Happiness, deals with the concept of identity in our changing world. Her
new short story collection, Thoreau's Laundry, appears in February 2007.
Her awards include Guggenheim and Rockefeller Fellowships, the Iowa Short
Fiction Award, the Berlin Prize in Literature, the PEN Syndicated Fiction
Award, the O. Henry Award, and a Rona Jaffe Writer's Award. Dr. Harleman is
also the RI State Council on the Arts Fiction Fellow.

        What does identity mean in the contemporary moment? How do issues such as
class, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationalism, and culture inform
our concepts of identity? Post-modernist theories of subject formation and
questions of autonomy and social construction influence the ways in which we
experience our identities as individuals and as active members of disparate
academic and social communities.

The English Department Graduate Student Conference Committee at the
University of Rhode Island invites submissions for presentations and panels
pertaining to issues relating to the concept of identity. We anticipate a
wide range of presentations from a variety of disciplines. Possible topics
and areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:

* Literary Studies
* Writing: Rhetoric, Composition, Creative Writing, Journalism
* Art, Drama, and Film Studies
* Historical Studies
* Anthropology
* Imperialism, (Post)Colonialism, Nationalism
* Globalization
* Women's Studies, Gender Studies
* Race/Ethnicity/Multi-cultural Studies
* Culture and Class
* Education
* Language and Dialect
* National/Regional Sports, Cuisine, Music, Dance ...

Please propose individual papers or panels, and indicate whether you are
willing to moderate a panel. Panels of 3-4 presentations are especially
welcome. Panels will be up to one hour and fifteen minutes long.

To propose a paper, please submit a cover page with your name; institutional
contact information (mailing address, phone number, and email), a 250-word
abstract of the paper; a roughly 100-word bio for publication in the
conference program; and a detailed request for audiovisual equipment if
needed. Presentations will be limited to 15-minute (papers should be 6-8
pages in length).

To propose a panel, please submit a cover page including the title of the
panel and the names of presenters; a panel abstract of 150-250 words; a
separate page with the names of presenters, their contact information
(mailing address, phone number, and email) and institutional affiliation(s),
and the titles of their presentations; and a 250-word abstract for each

The conference committee prefers the submission of materials in the body of
an e-mail or
as a Microsoft Word attachment sent to Meredith Krall
(mlkrall46_at_mail.uri.edu). If e-mail submission is impossible, you may
submit materials via USPS to Claire Reynolds, English Department,
Independence Hall, 60 Upper College Road, University of Rhode Island,
Kingston, RI 02881. We are happy to answer any questions regarding the
conference. Please contact Claire Reynolds (creynolds_at_mail.uri.edu) or
visit us at www.uri.edu/artsci/eng/.

Deadline for receipt of submissions is 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, 15 November

Notification of acceptance will be by e-mail on or about Thursday, 30

A registration fee for each individual selected to participate in the
conference covers all food service, including continental breakfast, a
buffet luncheon, and closing reception with cheese, assorted crackers, and
fruit. Payment received by 1 March is to be in the amount of $20.00. After
1 March, the fee will be $25.00.

Make checks payable to: 2007 Graduate Student Conference.

Send checks to: Claire Reynolds, English Department, Independence Hall, 60
Upper College Road, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:14:52 EST
