UPDATE: Integral Studies (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/7/07-2/10/07)
2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association
According to the website of the California Institute of Integral
Studies, "Integral studies are a response to the growing need to
synthesize the fragmentary aspects of contemporary thought and culture
into a meaningful whole. […] In exploring the interplay of mind, body,
and spirit, integral education connects the spiritual and practical
dimensions of intellectual life. The integration of the wisdom
traditions presents an evolution of consciousness that has never been
more relevant and crucial than it is today" (www.ciis.edu).
In his essay "What is Enlightenment"—a title that poses a historically,
intellectually, and spiritually loaded question in this context—Michel
Foucault writes, "[C]riticism is no longer going to be practiced in the
search for formal structures with universal value, but rather as a
historical investigation into the events that have led us to constitute
ourselves and to recognize ourselves as subjects of what we are doing,
thinking, and saying. In that sense, this criticism is not
transcendental, and its goal is not that of making a metaphysics
possible: it is genealogical in its design and archaeological in its
method" (45-46).
Is an Integral critique, in Foucault's sense, possible?
This panel seeks to understand Integral Studies as a phenomenon of
popular culture, and as a pedagogy or a means of inquiry. Papers
exploring the genealogy of the Integral approach in history, current
developments in Integral Studies literature and teaching practices, and
critical responses to the motives and methods of Integral Studies, are
encouraged. All papers should demonstrate a solid understanding of
critical theory (broadly defined), as well as an Integral approach to
the constellation of issues invoked by Integral Studies.
Direct a 100-word abstract (attachments in MS Word are acceptable), or
your inquiries, to Daniel Gustav Anderson at andersdg_at_uidaho.edu, or:
Department of English
University of Idaho
P.O. Box 441102
Moscow, ID 83844-1102
The conference will take place February 7-10, 2007 at the Hyatt Regency
in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico.
All travel and registration links on our website have now been updated
for 2007, and new areas have been added.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:15:30 EST