UPDATE: The Culture of Adoption (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)
All travel and registration links on our website have now been updated for
New Areas Added.
Still Accepting Proposals for (Culture of Adoption)
Proposal Deadline: November 15, 2006
Call for papers: The Culture of Adoption
The 28th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
February 14–17, 2007
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Mark your calendars now for February 14-17, 2007 for
the 28th Annual SW/TX Popular/American Culture annual
meeting. This meeting has been given "two thumbs up"
by academics and graduate students for its
professionalism, depth of papers presented, invited
dignitaries, and exciting new areas of scholarly
interest within the popular and American culture
movements. The SW/TX graduate student award program is
one of the best in the country, continuing the mission
of this group to support the academic research of
future scholars.
Most importantly, the hard work of our area chairs
make this conference outstandingly successful. Come
join us in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the beautiful
Hyatt Regency Conference Hotel within walking distance
of historic Route 66.
Call for Papers: The culture of adoption.
What do we mean by the culture of adoption. Adoptees
and their families--both of them-- form a unique
grouping, even if the adoption is closed and secret.
The reasons for adopting, the ways the adoptive family
creates family stories of origin, the accomadations
the family and child make for the differences (subtle
or marked) between them.
I am looking for several different kinds of papers:
scholarly, reflections from all members of
the triad,especially from fathers, and literary
papers. The following divisions are completely arbitrary.
I will read all proposals
Who adopts and why?
What is the impact on the family of adoption?
Have attitudes changed toward adoption and the
inclusion of the adoptee?
The economics of adoption
The politics of international adoption
The actuality of adoption:
Open vs closed adoption
The adoption disconnect from both sides, i.e. how the
child is different, how the parents are puzzled?
Bio and adoptive families in reality
Adoptive families vs families with adopted children
Searching for the biological family
Cultural impact and retention in trans-ethnic adoption
School assignments: How do you handle the 'family
tree'and other such 'roots' assignment? How do we educate
the educators?
Adoption in literature:
Literary adoption, how are adoption and adoptees
treated in literature?
The literature of adoption—especially children's literature.
Collections of adoption experiences--what purpose do
they fulfill? Are they voyeuristic and invasive?
Language of adoption--do you mind the adopt-a-whatever
Send 250 word proposals to me Cher Holt-Fortin
at holtfort_at_oswego.edu
by 15 November 2006.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Nov 08 2006 - 12:14:39 EST