CFP: Confrontation (grad) (UK) (1/2/07; BCLA, 3/30/07)

full name / name of organization: 
M.H.M. Wan
contact email: 


British Comparative Literature Association
Third Graduate Student Conference
Goldsmiths College, University of London
30 March, 2007

Plenary Speaker: Professor Alexander Callinicos (King's College London)

The question of confrontation occupies a central position across
disciplinary and geographical boundaries, especially in light of recent
debates on multiculturalism and globalisation. What are the issues we need
to address when we speak of the confrontation (or reconciliation) of
different cultures, genders, classes, and disciplines? Indeed, what are the
problems or blind spots inherent in the very theory and vocabulary with
which different discourses address the question of confrontation?

This one-day conference, taking place at Goldsmiths College, University of
London, seeks to provide a transnational, interdisciplinary forum for a
reconsideration of the notion. We invite proposals of up to 250 words for
twenty-minute papers on any aspect of 'confrontation.' Possible topics may
include, but are not limited to:

-Confrontations between aesthetics/politics/ethics
-The dangers of binary logic
-Uses and abuses of the rhetoric of alterity/otherness
-Failures and fallacies of comparison
-Nature versus relativism/modernity
-Fissures: colonialism/terrorism/globalisation/multiculturalism
-The End of history/dialectics
-Confrontations and transformations between genres and media
-Third spaces, in-between spaces, and hybridity
-Conflicts between and within gender categories
-Disciplinary confrontations
-The senses (visuality, aurality, etc)

The deadline for receipt of 250-word abstracts is 2 Jan, 2007. Please email
abstracts and enquiries to Attendance
is free of charge. Further information can be accessed via the BCLA
website: The coordinators wish to thank the Department of
English and Comparative Literature, Goldsmiths College, for their generous
support of this conference.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 18:43:08 EST
