CFP: Dissent and Dissonance in Medieval and Early Modern Culture (12/1/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)
Dissent and Dissonance
North Carolina Colloquium in Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Duke University
Friday-Saturday, February 16-17, 2007
The Eighth Annual North Carolina Colloquium in Medieval and Early Modern
Studies will be held at Duke University on February 16-17, 2007. This
year's graduate student colloquium encourages interdisciplinary discussion
of our topic, "Dissent and Dissonance," among scholars of the Middle Ages
and early modernity. We will convene to explore the contours of resistance
to religious, political, cultural, aesthetic, and institutional traditions
and discourses in premodern or early modern contexts, negotiating the very
terms of order and dissent. We solicit papers that interpret resistance
not by reducing analysis to all-encompassing categories of "orthodox" and
"heterodox," but by considering the varieties and gradations of dissent and
discord available to medieval and early modern traditions and institutions.
Paper topics might address, but are not limited to, the following:
-What constitutes an establishment or an institution? Are these active,
static or otherwise?
-What constitutes orthodoxy? What is its relationship to dissent? How do
these terms influence one another in medieval and early modern contexts?
-Does order/orthodoxy ever (or always) bear the traces of dissent?
-How do the very terms "dissent" and "orthodoxy" naturalize particular
cultural, political or periodic understandings of regimes of order and
-How might we think about the performance of dissent in architecture,
images, mode of dress, actions, language, or social/political practice?
-How does dissonance relate to the impetus to revision (aesthetic and
musical revisions of harmonics/harmony; social and/or political revision
proceeding from discord)?
Please submit paper proposals (250 words max) with full name and
institution to by December 1, 2006.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 18:13:39 EST