CFP: Female Political Leaders (no deadline, journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
gender forum

For a special issue on "Women in Power" the multidisciplinary online
journal "gender forum" (, affiliated
with the University of Cologne, Germany, seeks articles discussing
female political leadership. "Women in Power" seeks to instigate this
discussion with two articles by German feminist activist Alice Schwarzer
on Angela Merkel and would like to invite a debate focussing on "Women
in Power" and questions of gender as well as reviews of books about and
by women in leadership positions. The articles by Alice Schwarzer are
available online at The
"Women in Power" special issue is meant to be updated over the following
months with articles submitted in answer to this call for papers.

Completed articles should be submitted via email to, preferably in .doc, .rtf. Articles should
conform to the "gender forum" style sheet (available for download at and should not
exceed 8,000 words in length. Please include an abstract of your article
(10 to 15 lines). Use endnotes and fully documented references at the
end of the article. For further information on the journal, please visit
our homepage at or contact us via
email at

Astrid Recker
(Editorial assistant)

gender forum
Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier (Editor)
Universität zu Köln
Englisches Seminar
D-50923 Köln

Tel. +49.(0)221.470.3030
Fax +49.(0)221.470.6931


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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 18:43:09 EST