CFP: Mediated Environmental Encounters (12/1/06; COCE, 6/22/07)
2007 Conference on Communication and the Environment
June 22 - June 25, 2007 (DePaul University, Chicago)
Proposed Panel: Textually and Technologically Mediated Environmental
In many of our environmental pastimes and hobbies--hiking,
birdwatching, geocaching,
orienteering, mushroom hunting--we encounter our environments with
and through
orchestrating texts and technologies. Sometimes the orchestration
involves one text; at
other times, an entire genre system and numerous technologies are at
work. The 2007
Conference on Communication and the Environment has as its central
theme the
mediated relationship between human culture and the natural environment.
This proposed panel means to combine work by scholars interested in
the relationships
between texts, technologies, and everyday environmental practice.
What is significant
about the maps, guides, GPS systems, and other orchestrating texts
and technologies we
bring to environmental interactions? Close readings of everyday texts
are encouraged, as
are projects about the use of texts and technologies. No
environmental hobby or textual
system is outside the potential scope of this panel, and please
consider the term
"environment" as traditionally or inventively as you find productive.
Send a one-page abstract (roughly 250 words) describing your proposed
along with a commitment to attend the conference if the panel is
accepted, to Spencer
Schaffner ( Due date: December 1, 2006.
A pdf of the conference call for papers is online at 2007.pdf
Spencer Schaffner
Assistant Professor
Department of English, Center for Writing Studies
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 18:42:35 EST