CFP: Not Your Mother's Feminism (1/15/07; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
kellie bean
contact email: 

Not Your Mother's Feminism
  Seeking contributors for a collection on feminist generations, tentatively entitled, "Not Your Mother's Feminism." I am specifically interested in hearing from those women who feel under represented within the struggle(s) for definitional control over the terms of feminist debate taking place in both academic and popular discourse. Contributors will likely be women who are too young to be Second Wave, too old to be Third Wave, and perhaps too theoretically (and academically) oriented to feel entirely "post-feminist."
              The collection will aim for an audience both academic and popular and will explore how generational representations of feminism/feminists in both venues have influenced—enhanced? augmented? ruined?—discussions of the women's movement. For example, Third Wave feminists often argue that the work of the Second Wave is done and that women's sexuality is the natural next ideological frontier. Such pronouncements have given rise to sub-categories of feminist scholarship/ideology labeled, for example, "sex-positive," "girlie-," and "lipstick"-feminism. This collection will consider the implications of generational developments like these and ask, among other questions, whether an evolution into sexual politics constitutes an historical or generational inevitability.
  The collection will also consider other questions, like:
  Are there women trained in feminism as yet unheard from?
  Where are the scholars/activists who do not fit the historical parentheses between First and Second, or Second and Third and who do not appear in—or trace their political roots to—collections like to be real, Listen Up!, Manifesta, or Catching a Wave? And what does their feminism look like?
  Must feminism embrace the generational metaphor?
  Has the metaphor served a purpose, perhaps momentarily, and run its course?
  How might we explain the changes, developments in feminist thinking without notions of historical linearity and generational conflict?
              Of course, this list is representative, not proscriptive. The editor seeks essays addressing these and any other questions concerning contemporary feminist politics and the manner(s) in which the movement and its terms are defined.
  Seeking abstracts by 15 January; will request complete essays at later date.
  Please send abstracts through email:, or through regular mail: Kellie Bean, English Department, One John Marshall Way, Huntington, WV, 25755. Feel free to email inquiries.

"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat."
                                                                                                          Rebecca West
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 18:13:46 EST
