CFP: Pecia (6/30/07; journal issue)

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Call for papers:

PECIA 21-2009 =20
Chansons de geste, l=E9gendes =E9piques et romans. De l'oralit=E9 aux=20
This volume of PECIA welcomes studies of literary manuscripts of the =
Middle Ages, including the Mati=E8re de Bretagne, the lais of Marie of=20
France, the Arthurian Cycle and the writings of Christine de Pisan. =20
A summary of a few sentences is due by June 30, 2007. Contributions are =
due by December 30, 2008. Texts in French, English, Italian, and=20
Spanish are welcome.=20
Ecrire pour mon Prince... Manuscrits command=E9s au Moyen-Age
>From the first manuscripts sponsored by Charlemagne (Dagulf Psalter, =
Godescalc Evangeliary) to the well-known Hours sponsored by the Duc de =
Berry, from Anglo-Saxon illuminators to the copyists employed by =
Ferdinand I, King of Naples, (e.g., Pietro Ippolito de Luna) evidence=20
of written works produced at the request of lay and religious leaders is =
abundant throughout the Middle Ages. This volume of PECIA will=20
demonstrate, with precise examples, how connections between copyists and =
illuminators on one hand and sponsors on the other were=20
A summary of a few sentences is due by June 30, 2007. Contributions are =
due by December 30, 2008. Texts in French, English, Italian, and=20
Spanish are welcome.

PECIA 18-2008 : Monachisme et =E9r=E9mitisme dans l'Occident =
m=E9di=E9val : r=E8gles de vie =E0 travers les sources manuscrites
History has retained many traces of the specific rules of various =
monastic organizations, from the communities of canons under the rule of =
Chrodegang (followed by the rule of Aachen) to the great monastic =
brotherhood of Cluny. This volume of PECIA will be devoted to studies=20
of the various manuscript sources tracing the evolution of these rules, =
including the Augustinians, the Camaldolese Order, the Rule of Benedict =
and the Carthusian Rule of Bruno.
A summary of a few sentences is due by June 30, 2007. Contributions are =
due by June 30, 2008. Texts in French, English, Italian, and Spanish are =

Last publication
PECIA Volume 8/11-2005: Reliques et saintet=E9 dans l'espace =
m=E9di=E9val (Ed. J. L. Deuffic, with Avant-propos by Andr=E9 Vauchez), =
a sizable volume containing 28 articles, mostly in French, on the =
various meanings, histories, representations, and uses of relics in the =
Middle Ages. For a complete list of the volume's contents and ordering =
information, see the PECIA website:

Contact: Jean-Luc Deuffic

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Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 18:14:24 EST