CFP: Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference (undergrad) (11/13/06; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Nicholas K Kupensky
contact email: 

"Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference"
March 30-31, 2007
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

What is Love? A crowd of glassy-eyed Greek philosophers famously tackle
this elusive topic in Plato's Symposium, but in the ensuing two-thousand
years, perspectives have changed. The Comparative Humanities Review is now
accepting papers for Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference that examine
Plato's Symposium and its afterlives in multiple disciplines. Submissions
should be comparative in nature and written while the student is/was an
undergraduate. Panels will be chaired by Bucknell faculty and organized
into the following sessions:

1. Plato's Symposium
Papers should address the text of Plato's Symposium in some way, such as
offering a new reading of a particular issue (ex. sexuality, gender roles),
applying a theoretical paradigm, or analyzing the afterlife of the
Symposium in various historical contexts.

2. Love in Its Comparative Contexts
The Symposium is one of the foundational texts on Love in the Western
world. Papers may address how Love appears in a particular historical
period (ex. Medieval Europe), genre (ex. literature, film, music), cultural
context (Victorian England), or discipline (ex. Biology, Psychology, Religion).

3. The Symposium as a Model for Ideological Engagement
The Symposium is also a narrative in which humanity has sought out
knowledge communally. Papers may address any type of force that causes
individuals to congregate (ex. a historical personality, a political cause,
spiritual guidance).

4. Creative or Artistic Submission
A work of visual or performing art (ex. poetry, painting, theater)
addressing one of topics above.

Guidelines for Submitting an Abstract
1. A cover page including:
                 a. Tentative Paper Title,
                 b. Author's Name,
                 c. University,
                 d. Degree and Majors,
                 e. Postal Address,
                 f. Phone Number and E-mail,
                 g. (optional) Preference for Panel Placement Selected from
the List Above (ex. Love in its comparative contexts)
2. An abstract of 200-500 words (including Bibliography) describing
the focus and methodology

Papers are to be approximately 20 minutes long.

Send Proposals and Questions to Nick Kupensky ( by
Monday, NOVEMBER 13, 2007

Accepted papers will also be collected in Symposium: CHR 2.1, the second
issue published by the Comparative Humanities Review, a scholarly journal
created and produced by Bucknell University students that supports and
distributes comparative, undergraduate scholarship in the humanities and
examines the space between those who receive knowledge (the Student) and
those who produce it (the Scholar).

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 10 2006 - 18:15:00 EST