CFP: 5C's Conference in Colorado (1/31/07; 4/13/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Chuck Fisher
contact email: 

Colleagues, I encourage those of you on this listserv to submit a =
proposal to present at the Colorado Community College Conference on =
Composition (5C's) on Friday, April 13, 2007. Please pass the word to =
your English-teaching colleagues as well. You may access information =
about the conference theme, keynote speaker, and registration =
information at the following web site:

Thank you!=20


Call For Presentations
Colorado Community College Conference on Composition: 2007

Dear Colleague:


Aims Community College in Greeley, Colorado, will host the Colorado =
Community College Conference on Composition (5C=92s) on Friday, April =
13, 2007. Participants in the 5C=92s over the years have =
enthusiastically endorsed the event as Colorado=92s top conference for =
writing teachers, and we hope to continue that tradition this year. =20


Conference Theme


The Millennial Challenge: Working with Underprepared Writing Students


The Issue

            New initiatives and new challenges are always a part of the =
academic world, and the present is no exception. Ever-evolving state =
mandates, increasing numbers of ESL or ill-prepared students, concerns =
over ACT scores, concerns related to developmental writing/reading, and =
challenges associated with the "Millennial Generation" are all =
composition teaching issues in two-year colleges.


We invite proposals for presentations addressing the following issues as =
they pertain specifically to teaching composition in the developmental =
or first-year composition course:

What teaching approaches are suitable for students of the "Millennial =

How is the current move from "teaching-centered" college to =
"learning-centered" college influencing teaching of basic writing?

What issues present themselves for instructors trying to balance their =
pedagogy, composition teaching theory, assessment cut-scores, and =
students' needs?

Should we re-assess what we ask underprepared students to learn, =
particularly ESL students?

Given that entering students' writing skills are influenced by a number =
of factors, what is or should be our role in meeting the needs of =
increasingly ill-prepared students?



The deadline for submitting proposals is January 31, 2007. Please =
observe the following guidelines:


=B7 Submit by snail-mail or email to the address below.

=B7 Include a title as you want it to appear in the program.

=B7 Include an abstract (50-100 words) as you want it to appear =
in the program.

=B7 Include a brief autobiography as you want it to appear in =
the program.

=B7 Plan a presentation of 45 minutes.

=B7 Include a statement of technology needs (Note: presenters =
must provide their own laptop computers).

=B7 If selected to present, prepare handouts for 30 people.


Please submit proposals via email to or mail to :


            Chuck Fisher

            Aims Community College

            5401 W. 20th Street

            Greeley, CO 80634


Chuck Fisher
Professor, English
Aims Community College
5401 West 20th St.
Greeley, CO 80634

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:13:56 EST
