CFP: Digital Americanists (12/20/06; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)
The Digital Americanists--a new professional organization created to
support the study of American literature and culture using digital
media--invite proposals for 20-minute papers to be presented at the
American Literature Association's annual meeting in Boston, MA, May
24-27, 2007.
Panel Title: The Changing Profession in the Digital Age
As scholars become increasingly interested in using digital media to
do innovative research, and as humanities funding agencies begin to
prioritize digital publications, the study of American literature is
increasingly becoming an electronic enterprise. And yet, the
institutional infrastructure necessary for practioners of digital
research, one which encourages collaborative teams and rewards young
scholars who concentrate on such research, does not exist on most
campuses. This panel invites proposals that reflect on how the
professional study of American literature will or should alter in
this new publishing environment. Proposals may reflect on
professional practices, theoretical shifts, or any other pervasive
impact digitization has on American literary study; proposals
grounded in personal experience with digital research--either as a
user or a creator--are particularly welcome. Some sample topics
include: the users of digital technology--both sophisticated and
unsophisticated--and the impact on traditional print research; the
challenge of peer reviewing digital research; the shift from the
autonomous scholar to the research team; the reformation of the canon
in the digital age; or rethinking textual scholarship within the
Proposals should take the form of a 250-500 word abstract submitted
electronically (as an email attachment in Word or RTF format) to Amy
Earhart, Texas A&M University, and Andrew Jewell,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Deadline for proposals is December 20, 2006; acceptances will be
finalized by the end of January 2007.
Amy Earhart
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Department of English
Texas A&M University
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:45:48 EST