CFP: Forces of Nature: Natural(-izing) Gender and Gender(-ing) Nature in the Discourses of Western Culture (2/1/07; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Precious McKenzie-Stearns
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CFP: Forces of Nature: Natural(-izing) Gender and Gender(-ing) Nature in
the Discourses of Western Culture.

Forces of Nature will be a peer-reviewed, academic book that fills the
gap left by scholars of Gender Studies, Queer Theory, film and
literature of Western cultures. The co-editors are under contract with
Cambridge Scholars Press (
Forces of Nature will analyze the connections between the natural world,
gender, and sexuality as found in modern 'texts' drawn from Western
literature such as myths, fairy tales, poetry, novels, drama, and film.
  Contributors to the book specifically explore the myriad ways in which
earth, wind, water, fire, and even animal life serve to acknowledge
and/or question conceptions of gendered experience. Given that Forces of
Nature blurs the margins between masculinity and femininity, all the
while exposing gender as an artificial construct, the book will be a
thought provoking resource for students and scholars engaged with
criticism of literature, film, and gender.

Forces of Nature will feature several chapters authored by researchers
whose studies of Western literature and film explore the human
connection to the earth at its most elementary level. Contributions are
edited by Bernadette Hyner and Precious McKenzie. Forces of Nature will
span over approximately 300 pages and will be ready for publication in
December 2008.

Submit detailed abstracts for consideration (Word doc, 500 words) with
contact information no later than February 1, 2007 to and Completed manuscripts are due
no later than August 15, 2007.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:46:06 EST