CFP: Pre-cinema and 'Cinematicity' / 1895: Before and After (UK) (1/7/07; 3/24/07-3/25/07)
CFP: Pre-cinema and 'Cinematicity' / 1895: Before and After
March 24 - March 25, 2007
British Comparative Literature Association and the Centre for Film
Studies, University of Essex (UK)
Keynote Speakers: Ian Christie (Birkbeck); Tom Gunning (Chicago);
Marina Warner (Essex)
The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars interested in
exploring the history of pre- and early film: the previsions of cinema
as both technology and cultural form, and early cinema's influence on
twentieth-century art, literature and culture.=20
Proposals for papers of 20 minutes are invited on these and similar
* prehistory of film in the arts
* literary anticipations of the cinema
* shadow plays, camera obscura, magic lantern, phantasmogoria, peep-show
* precinematic devices and toys
* panorama, diorama and cosmorama
* chronophotography
* spectators in the pre-cinematic era
* "cinematicity", urbanism and modernity
* filmic prose and/or poetry
* early cinema and its effects on modernist literature and art
* the pre-cinematic as referenced in more recent film or other arts
Abstracts of about 300 words and a very brief bio should arrive by
January 7, 2007.=20
Electronically to:
Or by mail to:
Belinda Waterman
Centre for Film Studies
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, CO4 3SQ
United Kingdom
[fax: (44)-1206-872620]
Decisions sent by 19th January 2007.
Further details are on the web at: =20
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:13:53 EST