CFP: Qui Parle: City and Political Violence (12/15/06; journal issue)
The journal /qui parle/ is seeking submissions for a special dossier,
"Urban Intercessions: The City as Limit Politics." The dossier will
focus on how we could imagine the effects and conditions of violence or
political force — whether it be legal, racial, geographic, or gendered,
and whether the force be oppressive or emancipatory — within the
specific locality of a metropolitan context, one which is somehow
inflected by local or particular concerns and yet reflects a global,
international, or, at the very least, extra-metropolitan politics. What
role does the city — "modern" or "not" — have in current inter/national
political formations? How does it function as a site of violence or
resistance? Is it in fact merely a site, and thus passive — a place
where events simply transpire? Or does it offer specific configurations
according to which politics become legible and/or possible? And if so,
how can these configurations be illuminated? These questions are only
suggestive; general examinations on immigration, urban development,
kinship, political violence, religion and secularity, and the problem of
subjectivation (especially as it concerns the question of Western versus
non-Western subject formations) would be extremely relevant, and
articles that deal with the literary and aesthetic aspects of some of
these problems would also be very welcome. Submissions should be
standard article length, 20-25 pages, double spaced. Please format
essays in accordance to the Chicago Manual of Style. Submission can be
sent electronically to, or
in hard copy to the address below. Deadline for submission: December 15
Qui Parle
The Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities
220 Stephens Hall, #2340
University of California
Berkeley CA 94720-2340
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:45:32 EST