CFP: The Role of Religious Performance in Rebuilding Communities (12/15/06; 7/24/07)
CFP: The Role of Religious Performance in Rebuilding Communities—Past and
Present (opening roundtable)
"Sore Spots": The 2007 Religion and Theatre Preconference
New Orleans, July 24-25, 2007
ATHE's Religion and Theatre Focus Group will open its preconference with a
roundtable entitled "The Role of Religious Performance in Rebuilding
Communities—Past and Present." Participants will offer a 5-10 minute
presentation on a particular instance when religious performance played a
role in rebuilding or regenerating community. Participants will then engage
in a moderate discussion and Q&A with all preconference attendees.
We encourage submissions that consider this topic from a variety of
perspectives. Is religious performance sometimes marginalized as a mode of
communal regeneration? When has it worked as a catalyst for larger community
changes? Are there times when different types of religious performance
compete for inclusion in community rebuilding? Can the performance of faith
be an impediment to regeneration for some communities?
Although we invite submissions related to any geographic region or
historical moment, because the 2007 conference will take place in New
Orleans, presentations that address religious performance's role in New
Orleans (past and present) will be given priority consideration.
This roundtable serves as the opening event in a preconference scheduled for
the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (July 24-25) before ATHE opens its
annual convention ( Roundtable participants are encouraged to
stay for the entire preconference, which contains a range of activities
including a new performance festival and a local tour. The preliminary
preconference schedule is copied below.
If you are interested in participating, please send a one-page description
of your presentation topic that includes any AV requests. On a separate
page, please include your name, affiliation, contact information, and a
brief bio. The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2006. Please send
submissions, as well as any questions about this call or about other ways to
participate in the preconference, to Jill Stevenson at
"Sore Spots"
2007 Religion and Theatre Preconference
Tuesday, July 24th
1:00-3:00: Opening welcome; Roundtable entitled "The Role of Religious
Performance in Rebuilding New Orleans—Past and Present"
3:30-4:30: First performance and feedback*
5:00-6:00: Second performance and feedback*
6:30PM: Group Dinner (extra fee)
Wednesday, July 25th
8:30AM: Morning coffee and pastries
9:00-10:00AM: Strategy roundtable on pedagogy resources for Religion and
Theatre studies
10:30-12:30: Local Voodoo Tour
12:30-2:30PM: Lunch on own
3:00-4:00PM: Moderated discussion focused on the voodoo tour, "spiritual
tourism," and alternative spiritual movements.
4:30-5:30PM: Third Performance and feedback*
5:30-7:00PM: Dinner on own
7:00: Co-sponsored reception
8:00: Group performance event (co-sponsored with the Performance Studies
Focus Group)
*You will find the call for festival performance submissions below
"Sore Spots"
In the human body, soreness is a symptom of stress. It can indicate rapid
growth or long neglect, the beginning of repair or the end of exertion.
Religion both generates and heals sore spots. Not only institutional
religions but all forms of spiritual practices and beliefs can be used to
probe wounds, or as a salve; they can medicate, or can celebrate recovery.
We seek submissions of 20 minute performances that mix the above metaphors
in any combination for presentation at ATHE 2007 in New Orleans, arguably
the sorest spot in the nation.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:13:55 EST