CFP: Time/Passages (grad) (1/15/07; 3/22/07-3/24/07)

full name / name of organization: 
IU English Department GSAC

We are issuing a Call for Proposals for scholarly and
creative submissions for a National Interdisciplinary
Graduate Student Conference entitled "Time/Passages"
to be held at Indiana University in Bloomington from
March 22-24, 2007.

Paul Ricoeur has written, "There can be no thought
about time without narrated time." In other words,
many theorists believe that the passage of time cannot
really be conceptualized outside of the passage of
different modes of textuality. The goal of this
conference is to challenge and provoke all of our
theoretical ideas about the nature of temporality,
examining how time becomes imbricated within passages
and in turn can challenge those very passages: those
discursive passages on the page, certainly, but also
within those material passages of space and the
abstract passages as one moment fades away into the
next, revealing to us deeper continuities among many
competing temporalities and spaces. In a sense then,
the goal of this conference is to explore both
objects' synchronous movement through time as well as
the flexible temporal boundaries of our own critical
construction of culture.

Possible topics of proposals for scholarly or creative
work may include but are not limited to:

• Crises of periodization and/or competing theories of
• Continuities and discontinuities
• Theories of temporality and narrative, as well as
theories of atemporality and non-narrative
• Theories of temporality and modes of mediation
and/or representation
• Timing and rhythms, motion and space
• Time's situation within space and theories of
• Travel narratives of real spaces, or utopias and the
spaces outside of time
• Agency within competing notions of time
• Notions of the "everyday" and the temporal
construction of popular culture
• Teleology, millenarianism, and time in religious
• Notions of evolutionary, natural, and constructed
times in scientific discourses
• Geography and the spatialization of time across
national boundaries
• Memory and the construction of (un)stable past(s)
• Trauma and the notion of passing
• Affect and the experience of time
• Uses of history and historiography
• (In)stability of identities within time
• The Middle Passage and the temporality of diaspora
and race
• Queer and/or gendered temporalities
• Issues of futurity and the reaction against futurity

We encourage proposals for individual projects as well
as panel proposals organized by topic. Please submit
an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short
description of yourself by January 15, 2007, to the
following email address:

Graduate Student Advisory Committee
Department of English
Indiana University

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Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:14:42 EST