CFP: When Nature Strikes Back (3/1/07; MLA '07)

full name / name of organization: 
Sarah McFarland

When Nature Strikes Back

(MLA panel arranged by the Association for the Study of Literature
and the Environment)

Proposals are invited for presentations that explore how literary
texts (including film) depict or personify nature's retribution for
human attempts to control, change, or harm the land.

For example, how does the environment create an inhospitable
situation for humans that either appears natural (hurricanes, West
Nile Virus, Avian Flu, Mad Cow disease) or supernatural (the flood in
Their Eyes Were Watching God)?

How does "nature" have agency in literature and film?

Submit 300-word abstracts by March 1, 2007 to Sarah McFarland at

Questions are welcome!

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 23:13:32 EST
