CFP: Film Area, Oceanic Popular Culture Association Conference (Hawaii) (2/28/07; OPCA, 5/25/07-5/27/07)
Call for Papers: Film Area
Oceanic Popular Culture Association Conference=20
Honolulu, HI
May 25-27, 2007
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Panel and individual paper proposals are now being accepted for the Film
Area of the inaugural Oceanic Popular Association Conference. While all
topics and proposals will be considered, those treating the conference
theme of "Work and Play" are particularly welcome. Possible points of
focus might include intersections of film, television and / or video
with history, literature, culture, music, or science, including
discourses such as theories of race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion,
labor, or pedagogy.
Abstracts/Proposals due Feb. 28, 2007
Please send 150-200 word abstracts to=20
David L. G. Arnold (
Email submissions only. Please attach abstracts as Word documents or
paste directly into the body of the email.
Please also see the General Call for Papers below.
David L. G. Arnold
Department of English
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
"They also serve who only stand and wait." - John Milton
Oceanic Popular Culture Association Conference "Work and Play"
Honolulu, HI
May 25-27, 2007
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Theorists as diverse as Michael Oakeshott and Erich Fromm have
emphasized the transformative power of play and warned of the dangerous
consequences of misconstruing the relationship between leisure and labor
activities. With accelerations in communications technology such as
email, cell-phones, and text-messaging, our workday has become
unbounded, suffusing leisure time along with all other aspects of life.
While many contemporary commercials extol the virtue of devices that
allow us to work at home or on vacation, others exploit the fantasy of
literally throwing one's pager into the sea. Have these technologies
granted us more leisure or accomplished an even more thorough
subordination of play to work? Such concerns are particularly
appropriate for an academic conference hosted in Hawai'i, where our
primary industry is for better or worse the labor of leisure.
The conference theme of "Work and Play" invites discussions of labor and
leisure as both discreet and entangled categories.
Prospective presenters may treat images of work and/or play in
literature, film, television, music, and other media. The conference
theme also accommodates interpretations of the various forms of
"cultural work" performed by the text(s) at hand. In addition to
offering textual analyses, presenters are welcome to discuss cultural
practices and traditions that broadly intersect with the conference
Please send 150-200 word proposals (email submissions only) by February
28, 2007 to conference organizers Cheryl Edelson
and/or Stanley Orr
--Cheryl EdelsonAssistant Professor of EnglishHumanities DivisionChaminade University of ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Sun Nov 19 2006 - 18:51:24 EST