CFP: Postcolonial Green (2/1/07; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Bonnie Roos
contact email: 

Call For Papers=20

Postcolonial Green

This collection proceeds from our conviction that postcolonial theorists =
and ecocritics have a great deal to gain from one another. At present, =
however, postcolonial theory lacks a dimension of eco-critique despite =
the fact that many postcolonial issues are also issues of environmental =
crisis. Ecocriticism still retains a local and regional focus on place =
at the expense of a global vision that recognizes international =
interdependence, and has privileged =93first world=94 blind spots in its =
assumptions about how best to value nature.=20

Even current events tell us such dialogue between the two areas is =
needed now more than ever. As the United States again refuses to join =
the Kyoto treaty and =93developing nations=94 refuse to restrain their =
emissions output in the interests of needed funds, British scientists =
argue that without addressing our environment, everyone=92s economy may =
collapse within decades. Such heightened concerns about the environment =
and our interdependent global cultures and economies raise new questions =
about what environmentalism is, and how environmental issues might be =
addressed, from international perspectives. While colonial histories =
have led to diverse postcolonial and neocolonial realities, =
relationships between =93the West=94 and =93developing nations=94 are =
still based on the exploitation of labor, natural resources, and =
environmental quality. This collection features global essays on =
colonial literary legacies and postcolonial ecological issues. We are =
interested in how global postcolonial texts address environmental =
issues, such as:

--Western environmentalism from an international perspective;
--Non-Western views of nature, ecology, inhabitation of place, etc.;
--Ecological imperialism, invasive species, and species=92 import/export =
--Issues related to the reservation of nature parks or wild animals in =
=93developing nations=94=20
--Western dependence on agricultural products or natural resources from =
=93developing nations=94;
--Laboring human bodies as environmental resource exploited by global =
--Poverty as environmental impetus or inertia;
--Cultural differences and green practices: vegetarianism, cooperative =
farming, etc. and their relationship to local needs;
--The relationship between Western reliance on inexpensive manufactured =
goods and the environmental and human impact in the places where these =
goods are made;
--Outsourcing toxic waste and chemicals produced by and for Western =
consumption to poorer countries;
--Health effects of climate change and other global impacts of one =
people on another;

Collection will be edited by Alex Hunt and Bonnie Roos. =20
Please send abstracts and 1-page cv to Alex Hunt: =
by February 1, 2007.

Bonnie Roos
Assistant Professor of English
Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages
West Texas A & M University, Box 60908
Canyon, TX 79016-0001
Office: 806.651.2465

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Received on Sun Nov 19 2006 - 17:52:10 EST