CFP: Unseen Influences (grad) (1/12/07; 3/31/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Amy Witherbee
contact email: 

Another Way In:
the unseen Influences that change our worlds.

Boston College's graduate community will host a biannual literary conference on Saturday, March 31, 2007 at Boston College's Yawkey Center. This conference builds upon our traditional Colloquium sessions by expanding outward to take advantage of the rich individual and institutional scholarship in the Northeastern U.S. We are looking for papers that touch upon our conference topic, a closer look at unseen influences whose movements across time, space, or community bring change. From viruses, carriers, and contaminants to inspiration and sublimation, these are the intangible forces we invite or dread. We invite you to interpret the topic broadly, but some topics might include:

Disease and images of the body
The humoral body
Disease as narrative
Infection and corruption
Invisible contagions: disease, fear, propaganda, desire
Political, narrative, or aesthetic whispers
Unintended references, allusions, connections
Slippage, error, mistake
Silences that produce change
The invisible in art, public space, or politics
Spaces of inspiration or corruption
Unusual muses
Visitors, guests, outsiders
Orphans and adoptions
Interdisciplinary borrowing
Voices rising from the clamor

In addition to traditional panels, conference organizers plan to include one or two panels that address issues pertinent to graduate student life and to the liminal position of graduate students between the communities in which they live and the academies in which they work. We invite graduate students who have an interest in issues like student unionization, affordable housing, literacy advocacy, or other topics of concern to submit panel topic proposals.

Traditional paper presentations should be approximately 20 minutes in length. Please send abstracts or panel topic proposals to . For more information, e-mail us at the same web address or check our website at There will be no fees for conference participants or attendees. However, we anticipate that we will be able to offer a limited number of scholarships to defray travel expenses, etc… Please see our website for information about applying.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 19 2006 - 17:50:32 EST
