CFP: ARC Network for Early European Research (Australia) (12/1/06; 7/3/07-7/8/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Claire McIlroy

Australian Research Council
Network for Early European Research

Inaugural International Conference
3-8 July, 2007, The University of Western Australia

Networks, Communities, Continuities: Europe 400-1850

Call for Proposals

The Australian Research Council Network for Early European Research
is a national framework for enhancing Australian research into the
culture and history of Europe between the fifth and early nineteenth
centuries. The Network aims to foster innovative research and new
connections between researchers, with a special interest in promoting
interdisciplinary and international contacts and collaborations.

The inaugural International NEER Conference seeks to fulfil these
aims by inviting proposals for sessions addressing:
* the conference theme, Networks, Communities, Continuities: Europe 400-1850,
* one of the Network's identified research themes:
- cultural memory: the persistence of early European culture into the
present as the major component of Australia's cultural memory.
- social fabric: social structures in early Europe, and their
relationship to contemporary issues, especially poverty; families and
gender; war, peace and conflict.
- intellectual formations: science, medicine and philosophy
- early European/Australasian connections: the significance of early
European contacts with the peoples of the Australasian region
- religion and spirituality: the diversity of religious practice,
thought and spirituality that shape European identity,
* other emerging topics of research

The conference will have a rich programme of plenary speakers who
will address the conference theme. Confirmed speakers include:

* Michael Bennett, Professor of History at the University of Tasmania
* Gene Brucker, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of
California, Berkeley
* Hal Cook, Professor and director, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the
History of Medicine at University College London
* Yasmin Haskell, Cassamarca Associate Professor in Latin Humanism at
the University of Western Australia
* Jean Howard, William B. Ransford Professor of English at Columbia University
* Ludmilla Jordanova, Chair in Modern History, King's College London
* Stephen Knight, Professor of English Literature at Cardiff University, Wales
* Constant Mews, Director of Centre for the Study of Religion and
Theology at Monash University
* Rosemary Sweet, Professor of Urban History at the University of Leicester

In the spirit of promoting collaborative endeavour, developing
research contacts and advancing the frontiers of early European
research, the conference programme includes sessions and activities
in a variety of formats.

1. Panel Sessions

Panel sessions of one hour will be devoted to discussion of
pre-circulated papers (5000 words max). The conference organisers
envisage a format of four presenters speaking briefly (5 mins) to
their papers, available on the conference website, followed by
discussion. Alternative formats, such as workshops on identified
readings or defined agendas, are also possible. This will, we hope,
lead to informed, engaged and lively discussion on the papers, and to
the future advancement of topics and themes.

Individuals or groups interested in organising a panel session should
submit session proposals to conference organisers by Friday 1
December 2006. Session proposals should include: session title,
session description (150 words),
- name and contact details of session organiser,
- names and affiliations of participants,
- titles and abstracts of papers (150 words), where relevant.
Papers or other material to be posted on the conference website
should be submitted by 31 May 2007.

Interested participants should also watch for calls for papers issued
by the theme leaders, or their delegates, of the Network's five
research themes.

2. Poster Session(s)

The Poster session is an opportunity for individuals who are not
participating in panel sessions to show their work. Postgraduates and
early career researchers are particularly encouraged to submit a
poster. Poster proposals, including name, contact details and title
of research project, should be submitted to conference organisers by
1 December 2006.

3. Activities

To provide conference delegates with opportunities for interacting
with each other and exploring the environs of the conference, there
will be a number of additional activities:
* guided or self-conducted lunchtime walks
* short excursions: Tuesday 'orientation tours' by tram or river;
Friday afternoon in Fremantle
* day trips (Sunday): winery tour to the Swan Valley or visit to New
Norcia, a monastery town 120km north of Perth (trips will depend on
level of interest).

Funding for panel sessions:

Funding for panel sessions has been approved by the NEER Management
Committee as follows:

     * $1000 per panel will be available, on application, where a
panel has a member who is travelling from overseas and has no other
source of funding.

     * $500 per panel will be available, on application, where a panel
has a member who is travelling within Australia and has no other
source of funding.

     * 10 postgraduate student bursaries of up to $500 each will be
available, on application, for Australian or New Zealand Network
Participants who are involved in a panel session. Preference will be
given to postgraduates who have not yet received funding from NEER.

Applications for funding should be submitted with panel proposals.

Conference contacts

Session and poster proposals:
A/Prof Andrew Lynch (

General conference inquiries:
Dr Claire McIlroy (

--Dr Claire McIlroyCoordinator and Research FellowARC Network for Early European Research M208Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesUniversity of Western Australia35 Stirling HwyCRAWLEY WA 6009Tel: +61 (08) 6488 1173Fax: +61 (08) 6488 1069CRICOS Provider No. 00126G ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 20:53:53 EST
