CFP: Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance (no deadline noted; journal)

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The Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance seeks book and performance
reviews for its upcoming issue regarding indigenous communities of the
Americas, including North, Central, and South America. The following titles
are now available for review:

Hawai'I Nei: Island Plays by Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl

Keepers of the Morning Star: An Anthology of Native Women's Theater Eds.
Stephanie Fitzgerald and Jaye T. Darby

American Indian Theater in Performance: A Reader Edited by Hanay Geiogamah
and Jaye T. Darby

Evening at the Warbonnet and Other Plays by Bruce King

Staging Coyote's Dream by Monique Mojica and Ric Knowles

Inquiries regarding submission and subscription may be directed to the
editor (Carolyn Roark at, and additional information,
including submission guidelines and a style sheet, may be found at This publication is peer-reviewed and adheres to a
blind submission policy. Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance is
indexed by the MLA International Bibliography.

Performance and Book Review Editor,

W. Barrett Huddleston
Department of Theatre
University of Minnesota
580 Rarig Center
330-21st Avenue South
Minneapolis MN 555455-0480

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 20:17:19 EST