CFP: Mechademia: new anime/manga/fan culture journal(1/5/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Christopher Bolton


MECHADEMIA 3: Limits of the Human
Editor: Frenchy Lunning
Associate Editors: Thomas LaMarre, Michelle Ollie, Christopher Bolton

Mechademia is a new annual refereed journal from the University of
Minnesota Press, a forum for critical work on anime, manga, and fan
arts. We are seeking submissions on topics linked to Japanese manga
or anime, as well as related material from fields like fashion, film
studies, fine art, game design, and American or global fan culture,
among others. Mechademia's goal is to promote critical thinking,
writing, art, and creative activity that can bridge the current gap
between professional, academic, and fan communities and discourses.
To this end, we seek contributions in a variety of formats, by
authors from a wide range of backgrounds and fields. Contributors
should endeavor to write across disciplinary boundaries, presenting
their unique knowledge in all its sophistication, but with a broad
audience in mind. Each issue will have a theme that will focus the
conversation and connect different pieces, but we encourage
contributors to interpret these themes broadly in order to keep the
way open for new and original kinds of work. Superior submissions
that fall outside the theme may also be considered if space permits.

We are currently accepting submissions for Mechademia #3, the theme
of which is "Limits of the Human." This issue will look at the way
anime, manga, and related media have probed the contours human
identity and activity-by imagining non-human others; by positing
breakthroughs in human capability; or by showing us our own
limitations as readers and viewers, among many other strategies.
Possible topics include cyborg theory; new fan species; animalism and
animalization; undead and the occult; speed and distance;
phenomenologies and ontologies, etc. And this list is only a
beginning: contributors are encouraged to interpret the theme broadly
and contribute their own original perspective on the topic.

The submission deadline for issue #3 is January 5, 2007.

Submissions should be approximately 5000 words or less. Mechademia
uses Chicago style documentation, though other formats are acceptable
at the submission stage. Files may be sent as attachments to
submissions at

Detailed information about the journal's mission and submission
procedures is available on our web site at

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Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 20:18:18 EST