CFP: Ninth International Milton Symposium (UK) (no deadline noted; 7/7/08-7/11/08)

full name / name of organization: 
Dzelzainis M
contact email: 

Ninth International Milton Symposium

Call for Papers

2008 marks the quatercentenary of John Milton's birth in Bread Street, =
London - the city in which he was to live and work for much of his life. =
It is therefore appropriate that the Ninth International Milton =
Symposium will be celebrating this event with a five-day conference, =
7-11 July 2008, under the auspices of the Institute of English Studies =
at the University of London.

The Planning Committee (see below) invites papers on − but not =
restricted to − the following broad themes:

London itself provides one obvious focus of interest since Milton was =
unquestionably the most important writer the city has ever produced. But =
places, whether real or imaginary, play a large and arguably =
under-examined part in his writings.=20

There has recently been a resurgence of interest in Milton's religious =
beliefs, sparked off in particular by the debate over the authorship of =
De Doctrina Christiana. We would therefore welcome papers on such themes =
as heresy, orthodoxy and unorthodoxy, and radicalism.

The texts, contexts, and conditions of publication of Milton's writings =
in various genres on various occasions. =20

Fresh papers dealing with key events in Milton's life and times will be =
welcome as will those dealing more generally with his responses to the =
revolutionary upheavals of the seventeenth century.=20

Proposals for papers (500 words maximum, and preferably in the form of =
an email attachment) should be submitted in the first instance to =
Professor Martin Dzelzainis, Department of English, Royal Holloway, =
University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX;

Planning Committee: Warren Chernaik (King's, London); Martin Dzelzainis =
(Royal Holloway, London); Karen Edwards (Exeter); Stephen M. Fallon =
(Notre Dame); Tom Healy (Birkbeck, London); Michael Lieb (Illinois, =
Chicago); Peter Lindenbaum (Indiana); David Loewenstein =
(Madison-Wisconsin); Regina Schwartz (Northwestern); Kevin Sharpe (Queen =
Mary, London)

For more information about the Institute of English Studies, contact: =

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 20:53:38 EST