CFP: Re-Writing / Re-Visioning in African Literature (11/30/06; ALA, 3/14/07-3/18/07)
African Literature Association Conference
March 14-18, 2007
Panel: "Telling Otherwise: Re-Writing / Re-Visioning in Africa and the
African Diaspora"
I am seeking paper proposals for a panel at the 33rd Annual Conference
of the African Literature Association, to be held March 14-18, 2007, at
West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. From Chinua
Achebe and Assia Djebar to Derek Walcott and Maryse Condé, African and
African diasporic literature is rich with examples of re-writing. Many
authors have rewritten canonical texts from the European tradition,
exposing the blind spots of colonial discourse and giving voice to
previously marginal characters. Others have rewritten history, retelling
past events from perspectives that were absent from colonial archives.
What is the role of re-writing in African literature and the literatures
of the African diaspora? How does re-writing function as a
counter-discourse to the discourses of slavery, empire, and colonialism?
What possibilities are offered by revision? Alternately, what are the
perils of revision? In keeping with the conference theme of
globalization, this panel especially welcomes papers that approach
re-writing from a transnational, comparative perspective. How has
re-writing played out across the linguistic, geographical, and cultural
breadth of the African diaspora? Also welcome are papers that take for
their subjects non-literary revisions.
Please email abstracts of approximately 250-500 words by November 30,
2006, to Andrea Hilkovitz at
For more information, please see the conference web site:
Andrea K. Hilkovitz
Program in Comparative Literature
The University of Texas at Austin
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 20:17:58 EST