CFP: The Raymond Carver Review (3/15/07; journal issue)

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Call for Papers:
The Raymond Carver Review (journal, deadline 3/15/07)

The Raymond Carver Review, a new, peer-reviewed, electronic annual,
hosted by Kent State University and published in cooperation with The
International Raymond Carver Society, seeks to publish the best
critical work both from established and emerging Carver scholars world-

The Raymond Carver Review welcomes essays that explore the literary and
cultural significance of the work of American writer Raymond Carver.
While articles on Carver's poetry and fiction are anticipated, we would
also like to see studies of Carver's non-fiction. Of particular
interest are critical approaches to Carver that discuss his work in
relation to class, gender, culture, politics, place, milieu, and
theory, both nationally and internationally. We are also interested in
studies of Carver's writing process, influences, craft, technique, and
fictional or poetic theory. Essays on writers or work connected to
Carver in convincing, meaningful ways will also be considered, as well
as Review Copies of books relating to all aspects of Carver studies.
Query the editors with questions (identify "Question" on the subject

Work accepted for publication in The Raymond Carver Review will be
available to readers, researchers and scholars as downloadable PDF
files. Back issues will be available as archives.

Submission Guidelines

Essays should be approximately 5,000 words or so maximum and must
adhere to the latest MLA Style Manual. A brief abstract (100 words)
should accompany each submission.

Electronic submissions via email (as attached Word files) are required
(indentify "Submission" on the subject line).

Because manuscripts submitted to The Raymond Carver Review will be
blind judged by an international editorial board, the author's name
should not appear on either the manuscript or the abstract. Please
provide a separate cover page that includes your name, affiliation,
rank, mailing address, e-mail and telephone number.

Please contact the editor(s) with questions (identify "Question" on the
subject line).

Send submissions to:

Robert Miltner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
Kent State University Stark


Sandra Lee Kleppe, Ph.D.
Humanities Faculty
University of Tromsø, Norway

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 20:53:59 EST