UPDATE: Special Panel on Teacher Education and Pedagogy (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Kraver, Jeraldine



SPECIAL PANEL ANNOUNCEMENT Teacher Education and Pedagogy


Please consider joining our discussions of teaching and learning at the


Our conference theme this year--so appropriate to our location--is
"Empathy and Ethics."=20


You might consider in terms of the following broad issues:


How do we respond, as teachers or teacher-educators, to difficult
circumstances? Do we prepare our students always to act in right
ways-according to some ethical imperative or ideal? Do we care if we do?


For our 2007 meeting, CEA invites papers and panels that consider how we
construct and understand empathy or ethical responsibilities and how
those understandings inform what we write, read, and teach.=20


We encourage consideration of these and other questions related to the
conference theme:


* How are empathy and/or ethics portrayed in literature?=20
* How do works of fiction, poetry, film, and memoir discuss values
and build empathy?=20
* What are the connections between empathy, ethics, and eloquence?

* How are matters of empathy, ethics, revenge, and self-service
addressed in the English classroom, in what we read, write, research,
teach, and practice as professionals?=20
* How are our students challenged to consider these matters? What
is the role of difference in the classroom: differences in culture, in
ethnicity, in gender, in sexual preference?=20
* Can we teach students to care about and empathize with one
another and with people outside the classroom and in other countries?=20
* How can teachers help students to think critically and ethically
so that they can question and write about their assumptions regarding
the universality of their own values and ideas?=20
* How political should classrooms be?=20
* How does the collaborative classroom handle these issues?=20
* How concerned with global issues should our classrooms be?=20



To learn more about CEA and for a fuller discussion of this year's
theme, please take a look here: http://www2.widener.edu/~cea/index.htm


CEA is a vibrant and collegial organization and its conference has
always celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: papers on literary
criticism, on writing theory, and on writing and literary teaching
pedagogies as they relate to the conference themes and special topic


If you consider joining us, here's what you need to know:


CEA conference panels are composed of three to four presenters; papers
are to be no more than 15 minutes in reading length.


The submission requirements are as follow:

1) Proposals of 200 to 500 words (include title) for the CEA Special
Topics Panels on Academic Leadership SHOULD BE submitted using the CEA
proposal submission site at the URL
http://english.ttu.edu/CEA/conftool/index.php indicating the topic
submission category of Academic Leadership and Mentoring.


Electronic submissions open September 15th and close on November 1st.


Submitting electronically is a two-step process: (1) setting up a user
ID; then (2) using that ID to log in-this time to a welcome page which
provides a link for submitting proposals to the conference. When you
submit your proposal, use the pull-down menu to indicate your topic


If submitting a panel, panel organizers must create user IDs for ALL
proposed participants.


Direct database submissions will provide prompts for the following
information below. Note: Any hard-copy proposals sent by mail must
include the same information



Institutional affiliation (if applicable) Mailing address (including zip
code) Phone number E-mail address Title for the proposed presentation.

Abstract of 200-500 words

A-V equipment needs, if any

Special needs, if any


2) Submitters will be notified of CEA's acceptance of the panels by 5
December 2006.


3) All presenters must be paid (U. S. currency) members of CEA by 1
January 2007.***


All presenters please note:


1) CEA Membership is required for all presenters. Conference
registration information material will arrive later in January and will
indicate registration fee payment deadlines at that time, BUT CEA
membership dues must be paid by January 1, 2007 to appear on the

2) Only one paper proposal per person for one panel will be accepted.

3) Participants must present their accepted paper (others cannot attend
for you and present your paper)

4) All presentations must be made in English.

5) CEA cannot fund travel or participant costs.




Dr. Jeraldine R. Kraver

Associate Professor of English

Director of English Education

School of English Language and Literature

University of Northern Colorado

1130D Ross Hall

Greeley, Colorado 80637

(970) 351-1477

Fax 970-351-3378


              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 20:53:50 EST
