CFP: Australasian Currents (3/16/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Wheeler, Belinda
contact email: 

     In keeping with the 2007 conference theme, "Currents", the 2007
Regular Session on Australasian Literatures at SCMLA will focus on
"Australasian Currents." Our panel seeks to explore the current
conversation occurring between people from the Australian, New Zealand,
and South Pacific regions.
     Of particular interest is how people from the Australasian region
are using one or more form/s of creative expression (such as poetry,
fiction, narrative, film, music, art, etc) as a vehicle to represent
themselves and/ or others.
     Topics include, but are not limited to how these creative
endeavors have influenced and/ or critiqued religion, race, gender,
sexuality, socio-economic status, minority histories, and
cross-cultural relations. Papers discussing migrant and/ or expatriate
writers of the region are also welcome.
     Abstracts of no more than 500 words (including title) should be
sent to Nicholas Birns at AND Belinda Wheeler
at by 16 March, 2007. Please include
institutional affiliation and contact information, including preferred
     The conference will take place November 1-3 in Memphis, Tennessee.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 28 2006 - 18:47:56 EST
