CFP: Authority and Authorities in Natural Philosophy; The Thomas Browne Seminar (UK) (1/5/07; 4/21/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Kevin Killeen
contact email: 

Call for Papers


CFP: Authority and Authorities in Natural Philosophy; The Thomas Browne Seminar (UK, 5th Jan / 21st April

Call for Papers


Authority and Authorities in Thomas Browne and His Contemporaries: A Symposium


Saturday 21st April 2007, University of Leeds


This day-long symposium will examine how early modern writers - especially but not exclusively those involved in natural philosophy - claim, invoke, construe, query or undermine authority and authorities. This is the second session of the 'Thomas Browne Seminar', but papers are by no means confined to Browne's works. In particular, we hope to encourage papers on the following:


* the establishment of 'scientific' authority;
* classical and/or biblical literature as sources of authority - or otherwise;
* the development of an authoritative, 'scientific', style.

Contact: Kevin Killeen ( or Karen Edwards (

For details of the first Thomas Browne Seminar, see:

Dr Kevin Killeen
School of English
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
0113 34 38225
Membership Secretary - Society for Renaissance Studies - <>
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Received on Tue Nov 28 2006 - 17:56:09 EST