CFP: Encountering the Text: Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing (grad) (3/21/07; 4/21/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr. Kenneth Florey
contact email: 

The Eighth Annual Graduate English Conference
Michael J. Adanti Student Center
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Saturday, April 21, 2007
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Encountering the Text:
Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing

We are soliciting papers and panel proposals from graduate students in
English, Foreign Languages, literary studies and other related fields.
We welcome a range of perspectives on texts including but not limited
to African American Studies, American and British Literature,
Comparative Literature, Composition and Rhetoric, Creative Writing,
Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, Disability Studies, Diaspora
Studies, Film Studies, Gay/Lesbian/Transgender/Queer Studies, Latino/a
Studies, Linguistics, Media Studies, Pedagogy, Professional Writing,
Secondary Education, Technology and the Classroom, TESOL, Textual
Studies, and Women's Studies.

Possible topics include but are not limited to interpretations of
literary (and non-literary) texts, reception of texts, adaptations of
texts, inter-textualities, translations, archival research,
postmodernist texts, visual culture, and writing across the curriculum.
Panels will be one and a half hours long. Presentations will be 15-20
minutes long (papers should 6-8 pages in length).

Guidelines for Submissions:
Paper and panel proposals should incorporate one or more of the themes
of the conference, listed above.

A proposal for a paper should consist of a 250-350 word abstract.
Paper proposals must also include the paper title, and the name, day
and evening phone numbers, fax number, e-mail address, surface mail
address, and institutional affiliation of the presenter.

A proposal for a panel should consist of an overall description of the
panel (approximately 250 words) and a 250-350 word abstract for each
paper or presentation. Panel proposals must also include the names,
the title of the panel, the titles of the papers, and the day and
evening phone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and surface mail
addresses of all presenters.

Additional information:
Please also indicate whether you might be willing to chair/moderate a

Electronic Submissions:
Please send submissions by email to:, either
included in the body of the e-mail message or as an e-mail attachment
(in Word DOC). Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged.

Non-Electronic Submissions:
If you are unable to e-mail your proposal, you may send either a
PC-compatible floppy disk containing the document (in Word DOC) or a
hard copy to:

Dr. Kenneth Florey
English Department
Southern CT State University
501 Crescent Street
New Haven, CT 06515.

Hard copy submissions must include a separate cover page with the
name(s), paper/panel title(s) and other details and a second page with
title(s) and abstract(s) but no name(s). All submissions will be
assessed anonymously.

Deadline for receipt of submissions:
5:00 p.m., Wednesday, 21 March 2007. You may submit early if you would
like an early decision.

Notification of Acceptance:
Decisions by the conference committee will be on-going, generally
within two weeks of submission of the paper or panel topic. Presenters
will be notified of the conference committee's decision by e-mail. No
decisions will be made after 2 April 2007.

There will be a $20 conference registration fee for attendees and
guests ($5 for Southern CT students and faculty), due by 14 April 2007;
on-site registration fees will be $25 ($10 for Southern CT students and
faculty). Registration fees include all food service (continental
breakfast, beverage breaks, and luncheon).

Make checks payable to Department of English/SCSU. Send checks to:

Elspeth McCormack
Graduate Conference 2007 Organizer
English Department
Southern CT State University
501 Crescent Street
New Haven, CT 06515.

Please visit the home page of the
English Department at

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 28 2006 - 18:47:26 EST