CFP: Henry James Society MLA (3/12/07; MLA '07)
The Henry James Society will sponsor two sessions at the Modern Language =
Association annual conference, December 27-30, 2007, Chicago. Proposals =
are invited for the following panels:
MLA, 2007
Henry James and the Things of Modernism
The influence of modern inventions and institutions on new social =
configurations in James's fiction and non-fiction: photography, early =
cinema and new visual perspectives, hotels, high buildings, domestic and =
commercial space, telegraph and telephone, newspapers and news =
circulation, new museums, art collections, public libraries, private and =
public space.
James's 'The Tempest' Essay=20
2007 marks the centennial of this rarely discussed essay, but it might =
be the occasion for freely considering James's relation to: =
Shakespeare's plays as creative resources, as confirming 'the absolute =
value of Style', the drama, endings of careers, cultural icons, the =
relation between 'the Poet and the Man' or ideas of authorship, the act =
of reading, predecessors. =20
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: March 12, 2007.=20
Please send abstracts (500 words maximum) for twenty minute papers, =
preferably by email to:
Tamara Follini, President, Henry James Society, 2007.
Clare College, Cambridge CB2 1TL, UK=20
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 28 2006 - 17:57:00 EST