CFP: Literary Regionalism (4/30/07; journal issue)

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Call for Papers


                     Tamkang Review=20


Special Issue: Literary Regionalism
Deadline for Submissions: Apr. 30, 2007


The second half of the nineteenth century witnessed the emergence, in =
the United States, of literary regionalism, which emphasizes distinctive =
attributes of a particular region. It is historically significant that =
this genre flourished after the Civil War when capitalist-industrial =
development was transforming U.S. society on an unprecedented scale. =
Regionalism, however, was not a onetime movement; it resurged in the =
1920s and 1980s. Is it just nostalgic =A1=A7local color,=A1=A8 as some =
critics claim? Or does it offer resistance to and critique of some =
dominant cultural groups? What are the complex dynamics of cultural =
change and contestation behind this movement? In the age of =
globalization and electronic communication when boundaries are becoming =
blurred and cultural homogeneity is prevalent everywhere, it is =
especially important to explore what functions regionalism can serve as =
a decentralizing discourse.


This special issue examines how regionalism is related to diverse =
aspects of literary studies: gender, race/ethnicity, class, =
imperialism/nationalism, and so forth. We invite submissions in =
American literary regionalism, but papers dealing with literary =
regionalism in other parts of the world are welcome too.


Suggested topics:=20

* regionalism, gender, politics

* regionalism and race/ethnicity

* regionalism and class/social formations

* writing region, writing nation

* regionalism vs. realism/naturalism

* regionalist studies in the age of globalization/electronic =

* regionalism and environmentalism

* regionalism and postcolonialism


Please note:

1. Tamkang Review only publishes papers in English which are not =
simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

2. Please send your MLA-styled manuscript, an abstract (no more =
than 250 words), a list of no more than 10 keywords, and a curriculum =
vita as Word-attachments to

3. The manuscript should be anonymous. Your name and affiliation =
should only appear in the curriculum vita.


For further questions, please address your inquiry to:

Joseph Yu (

Assistant Professor

Department of English

Tamkang University

Taipei, Taiwan=20

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Received on Tue Nov 28 2006 - 17:58:02 EST
