CFP: Sea Change (s): The Evolution of Texts and Their Receptionm, UNCW Graduate English Association Conference 2007 (1/31/07; 3/

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About our Second Annual Graduate English Association Conference: The
deadline for submissions is 31 January 2007 and the conference is
30-31 March 2007. Thank you very much on behalf of the Graduate
English Association.

>Jesse A Lambertson <>

University of North Carolina Wilmington Graduate English Association Conference
(30-31 March 2007)

Sea Change (s): The Evolution of Texts and Their Reception

Through an interdisciplinary-minded call for papers, the Graduate
English Association at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington
asks: How does or has a single text evolve(d)? What is the impetus
for change and what are the forces that act to resist that change? One
might explore publication media, social conventions, canonical status
(how it is granted or revoked), ideas about textual changes, language
changes, rhetorical slants, or linguistic arguments, or could follow
any theoretical guide.

There are, of course, endless sub-questions associated with the larger
concepts above. Some of these sub-questions might grapple with how the
canon has changed, how it has been affected by theoretical frames, how
it has been affected by international literature or works in
translation, how works of literature in the canon (define canon
yourself) affect rhetorical acts like speeches or political movements,
and how texts evolve in our world of easy-change technology and
impermanent digital virtual texts. Thanks to Jean Baudrillard, one
might even ponder whether these virtual digital "texts" are texts at
all, considering the ways that document production, editing, and
reading have so drastically changed with the full embrace of

Other possible topics might include questions of pedagogy, literature
analyses of all sorts, rhetorical studies, changes in writing in the
physical sciences that deal with responses to other science writing,
artistic analyses, questions of philosophy, arguments of aesthetics,
and creative pieces that relate to textual evolution.

Again, papers are welcome from all disciplines that directly or
indirectly investigate the above concerns. Please email abstracts of
300 words or fewer as an MS Word attachment to The
submission deadline is January 31, 2007.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 28 2006 - 17:56:02 EST