CFP: The Wolf (2/1/07; magazine issue)
The Wolf, the UK's 'leading independent poetry magazine' is accepting
submissions of literary criticism on any theme surrounding contemporary
poets or poetry. All essays should be between 1,000 - 2,000 words and focus
on poetry from after the 1950's. Recent literary criticism in The Wolf has
offered critical responses to Don Paterson's T.S. Eliot lecture and
considered the position of the avant-garde in British academia.
Book reviews are welcome. With each new issue, only books published in the
last two years will be considered for review. The word count for book
reviews should range between 900-1,500 words. The Wolf also accepts new
translations - from any language, though non-European languages are
particularly welcome – of contemporary poets. In the past we have published
translations from Somalia, Sudan, Indonesia, Mexico, Serbia and France.
Submissions for Issue 14 should be received by February 1st, 2007. However
submissions are ongoing.
Lastly, we are always accepting new poetry submissions. To find out more
about the magazine, including our submissions policy and some of our online
content, please go to
On the website you also will find previous reviews, poems, interviews and
To contact the magazine via email with any submissions or queries, send to:
Below is a brief history of the magazine. As an entirely self-funded
magazine, we do not currently pay for publication (except by giving out
complimentary copies) but hope this will change in the near-future.
James Byrne – Editor, The Wolf
The Wolf magazine was founded in April 2002 by James Byrne and Nicholas
Cobic with a clear emphasis on publishing emerging new poets alongside more
established writers. It is published three times a year and is currently
edited by James Byrne.
The formative years of The Wolf quickly established the magazine as a
leading independent poetry magazine in the UK. As Bloodaxe editor Neil
Astley remarked during a lecture for Stanza: "The next [poetry magazine] to
watch will be The Wolf, which has a young editorial team who aren't afraid
to ruffle a few feathers."
The Wolf includes interviews with leading contemporary poets, which are
frequently mentioned as a distinguishing characteristic of the magazine, as
well as literary criticism, book reviews and fine-art photography. The
poets, however, come from purely through submissions and we are proud that
there is no 'friends pile' or special treatment with regard to considering
any poem. Additionally, The Wolf is committed to promoting some of the
finest contemporary photography in the UK and is renowned for its auspicious
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 28 2006 - 17:56:00 EST