CFP: Information Literacy in English Studies (ongoing; online publication)

full name / name of organization: 
Tanya McLaughlin
A New Approach to Information Literacy Instruction in English Studies

Similar to the model envisioned by Ester S. Grassian and Joan R. Kaplowitz
in Information Literacy Instruction: Theory and Practice, attempts to expand information literacy instruction
beyond the purview of librarians. In fact, its creation suggests that
"information literacy also be the responsibility of teaching faculty, making
the process of gaining proficiency in the concepts and skills embedded in
information literacy an on-going and cumulative endeavor central to the
academy" (xxx). will be designed to provide a
connection between the Visible Web and the Invisible Web, providing a
resource to not only improve Web-related research skills but also to expand
computer literacy and Web-related Information Literacy Instruction within
English Studies. As a blog, will be automatically
archived, easily updated, highly navigable, and fully interactive. Through
the comment feature, readers will be able to add their voices to the
conversation by asking questions, providing different opinions, and offering
suggestions for future posts. Ideally, will become a
space for active discourse across disciplines, bridging the gap between
students, teachers, and information literacy instructors.

The site will include the following from multiple contributors:
. Author bibliographies
. Annotated subject bibliographies
. Short articles on Web-related research techniques
. Profiles of Web-related library resources
. Updates on special collections
. Short book reviews
. Announcements for new books and articles
. Reviews of internet sources
. Profiles and reviews of various Web-accessible databases (i.e.,
JSTOR, MLA Bibliography, EBO etc.)

Submissions will be accepted continuously as contributions will be posted

Please send submissions of 250 to 500 words as rich text format attachments
to Please do not send full-length
journal articles, but please do send abstracts with links to where your
journal articles can be found via the Web. will be launched on January 1, 2007. Please join us
there and contribute to the conversation!

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 18:58:08 EST
