CFP: International Rebecca West Conference (4/15/07; 9/28/07-9/30/07)
Call for Papers for the 3rd biennial International Rebecca West
Conference, in New York City at the Mercantile Library on 47th street,
September 28-30, 2007:
The International Rebecca West Society invites proposals for talks about
any aspect of Rebecca West and her work. We are particularly interested
in contributions about Rebecca West as performer and media figure but
will also consider proposals about matters of intertextuality, aesthetic
practice, politics, religion, moral philosophy, genre, etc.
Highlights of the third International Rebecca West Conference:
- Keynote address by Francine Prose
- Rebecca West in Person! Screening of a TV interview with Rebecca West
and playing of sound recordings with her voice from 1929 to 1981.
Please send 250-word abstracts to Ann Norton at by
April 15, 2007.
Ann V. Norton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, English Department
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, NH 03102-1310
Fax 603.656.6198 <>=20 <>=20
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From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 17:46:24 EST