CFP: Memory, Memorial, Memorializing: Spaces of and for Remembering; Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota (4/30/07; 9/
***Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota (LCMND) 2007***
Celebrating Memory: The 50th Anniversary of the Linguistic Circle of
Manitoba and North Dakota
When: Thursday - Saturday, September 27-29, 2007
Location: North Dakota State University Alumni Center, 1241 N. University
Drive, Fargo, ND.
Call for Papers on the Theme "Memory, Memorial, Memorializing: Spaces of and
for Remembering"
The Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota invites proposals for
15-minute papers or 60-minute panels for the 50th annual meeting of LCMND.
Papers selected by review process will be published as a collection marking
the occasion. Conference languages: French and English.
The following list suggests but does not limit possible relevant topics.
. Re-Membering: literature and film as memorializing acts
. Biography/History and the "fixing" of memory
. Individual versus collective memory in the memoir
. Sites, cites, and sights of social memory
. Bodies as sites of memory and memorial
. Historical amnesia in national narratives
. Social identity as historical memory
. Electronic memory, memorial, and memorializing
. Selective memory and the politics of identity
. Material cultures of memory
. Diasporic, postcolonial, and transnational memory
. Re-writing/Re-mapping cultural memory
. Testimonial, memory, and justice
Please send one-page abstracts as electronic attachments (.doc or .rtf) to by April 30, 2007. Please include contact
information: name, institution, email address.
Housing: (indicate that you are part of the LCMND Conference)
. Howard Johnson Inn Downtown Fargo, $69.00 per night, plus taxes,
. Radisson Hotel Fargo, $79.00 per night plus taxes, 701.232.7363
Hosted by the English Department at North Dakota State University
Contact Information: 701.231.7144;
Look for updated information at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 17:46:18 EST