CFP: Sandra Cisneros' Woman Hollering Creek (2/28/07; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Donohue, Cecilia
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CFP: Sandra Cisneros' Woman Hollering Creek (2/28/07; collection).

Rodopi Press Amsterdam/Atlanta announces a forthcoming book of essays on Sandra Cisneros' Woman Hollering Creek. This volume will be part of the "Dialogue" series, in which essays and discussion are presented in a "Point Counterpoint" format. The editor invites submissions that present new approaches and insights that will enlighten and enliven discussion of the text. Both emerging and experienced scholars are invited to participate. Emerging scholars will be defined by the following criteria: MA, ABD, or recent Ph.D., Instructor, Lecturer, or Assistant Professor status, with publications limited to articles in journals and monographs and/or chapter studies; six years or fewer will have elapsed since the awarding of a doctoral degree. Experienced scholars will demonstrate the following: teach at the Associate Professor level or above, have at least 7 years' experience since the awarding of the Ph.D., be published in book-length studies, and are considered an authority or wel!
 l-known commentator on the title or author. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Shifting settings: how does the literal/figurative crossing of borders impact the continuity and pace of the book?
* Culture cooptation: What does Cisneros seem to be saying about the embracing of alien cultures?
* Images of masculinity: Do the portrayals of men foster conciliation or estrangement between the genders?
* Shifting narrators and narrative strategies: How do these add or detract from the connectedness of the short stories?
* References to popular culture, from Pedro Amendàriz to the Marlboro Man, from Barbie and Ken to the Gummy Bears: what role do these (and others throughout the book) play in the balance of cross-cultural identity?
* The women of Woman Hollering Creek: Empowered exemplars or stereotyped sex objects?


No previously published essays please. If you are interested, please submit a proposal/outline/abstract by February 28th, 2007. If your proposal is accepted, completed articles of 15 to 20 pages in length will be due by October 28th, 2007 in order to meet the publisher's deadline. Please e-mail documents as Word attachments (proposal/outline/abstract and vita) to: or Cecilia S. Donohue, Chair, Department of English and Communication Arts, Madonna University, 36600 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia MI 48150-1173.



Thank you.

Cecilia S. Donohue, MBA, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of English and Communication Arts
Madonna University
36600 Schoolcraft Road
Livonia MI 48150-1173
734/432-5558 (office)
734/432-5393 (fax)

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Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 17:46:02 EST