CFP: Second International IDEA Conference (Turkey) (12/15/06; 4/17/07-4/19/07)

full name / name of organization: 
isil Bas
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        April 17-19, 2007
        (Extended Deadline: December 15, 2006

The 2nd International IDEA Conference, which will be jointly hosted by =
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language =
and Literature, and English Language and Literature Research Association =
of Turkey (IDEA), will be held on 17-19 April 2007, at the University's =
Beytepe Campus, Ankara. The Conference will cover the following four =
main areas, of which the literature area has been expanded so as to =
include, besides English literature, also other literatures in English =
and, thereby giving it an inter-literary and comparative perspective.


      - English Literature, and Literatures in English
      - British and Comparative Cultural Studies
      - English Language and Linguistics
      - Translation Studies in English =20


Papers, based on in-depth research and dealing with topics, issues, =
theories, practices, and controversies related to any of these areas, =
are invited from colleagues throughout the world. Paper presentations =
should not exceed 20 minutes.=20

 For further information and queries about the conference, please =
contact: =20

      Prof. Dr. Himmet Umun=E7

      Conference Coordinator

      Hacettepe University



      Phone: (+90 312) 297 84 75 and 76

      Fax : (+90 312) 299 20 85

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 17:46:18 EST
