CFP: Space and Displacement (Turkey) (2/15/07; 4/21/07-4/22/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Andrea Rehberg
contact email: 



  Space and Displacement

  A Multi-Disciplinary Symposium


Sponsored by the Program in Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas

Bilkent University

21-22 April 2007





Displacement is a major aspect of geo-politics (bio-politics), as well
as a central term in contemporary philosophy and cultural theory. Many
artists, writers and theorists have focused on various aspects of the
phenomenon of displacement (exiles, refugees, immigrants, prisoners).
Cultural examples range from the politically radical, e.g. Coetzee on
internment camps as no-place, to the broadly socio-psychological e.g.
Nuri Bilge Ceylan's films. How can we theorize from this a
post-nationalist contemporary theory of space (the way Giorgio Agamben -
after Foucault - does with the idea of the camp, bio-politics, the
exception - Guantanamo, etc.)? How does large scale displacement change
our conceptions of urban space (e.g. Mike Davis on third-world
macro-cities) or of political power (e.g. Immanuel Wallerstein on the
decline of U.S. power)? What are the spaces of thought today, and how
can contemporary thought conceive the space(s) of being (e.g. the
post-Heideggerian work of Stuart Elden or Jeff Malpas)


We invite papers addressing the notion of displacement or issues related
to the representation or conceptualization of space in film, fiction,
art, politics, philosophy, sociology and related disciplines for the 4th
Annual Bilkent University Multi-Disciplinary Symposium.


Please send a short (one-page) abstract to the following e-mail address
( by February 15, 2007.

Please contact Martina Kolb (+90312 290 3132), or consult the CCI web
page (
<>) for more information.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 17:46:02 EST