UPDATE: Impasse and Ambivalence: Re-defining Ethics (grad) (12/31/06; Acacia, 4/6/07-4/7/07)
The 15th Annual Acacia Conference at California State University, Fullerton
This conference seeks to address the myriad definitions of ethics and how it
is represented in literature and other texts. The moment of ethical
decision often occurs at the point of impasse, of dilemma, of crisis that
springs from the space between two opposing ideas, when an easy or
prescriptive decision is not possible. Rather, each impasse requires an
ethical, scriptive fluidity whose focus is social as well as personal;
ambivalence, therefore, emerges as an ethical response to such a crisis. To
be sure, though, this space is difficult to occupy, much less sustain. In
Gayatri Spivak's words, "ethics is the experience of the impossible." What
is kindness? Empathy? Forgiveness? Dissent? Revolution? Peace? Should
ethical acts preserve difference (i.e., between ideas, between self and
other) or eradicate it, or something in-between? What consequences and
opportunities arise from ethical immorality? Unethical morality? Wherever
people relate to, connect with, and break off from each other, ethics are
concerned; a social question is also an ethical question. We encourage
papers from that explore ethics from this point of view as well as others.
We encourage specific focus on the following topics:
Ethics in Literature
Ethics and English Studies (e.g., canonicity, pedagogy, service)
Ethics in Popular Culture
Ethics and the archive
Ethics in editorial processes
Ethics vs. Morality
Ethics and politics
The Ethics of reading
Ethics and philosophy
Ethics and Empathy/Sympathy
Medical Ethics
Ethics and Aesthetics
Ethics and Religion
Please send proposals of 250-500 words to
acaciaconference_at_gmail.com<acaciagroup_at_gmail.com>by December 15. We
welcome panel proposals as well as individual topic
proposals, poster sessions and creative writing entries (including poetry
and short stories). Poster sessions are well-suited for topics that might
lend themselves to more visual presentations or more involved discussion
with a smaller audience, and more information about them can be found here:
Papers and panels that focus on other topics are also welcome.
Conference sponsored by The Acacia Group, the graduate student organization
of the CSUF English and Comparative Literature Department.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 18:58:25 EST