CFP: Community and Healing (1/15/07; ABAL, 5/28/07-5/30/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Michelle Jeanette Coupal
contact email: 

Bridging Communities=3A Community and Healing
Call for Participants

The Association of Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature (ABAL) in conjun=
ction with the 2007 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences invites y=
our participation in our annual conference=2E

Date=3A May 28-30=2C 2007
Place=3A University of Saskatchewan=2C Saskatoon

A bridge =5B=85=5D is not just about one set of people crossing to the o=
ther side=3B it=92s also about those on the other side crossing to this =
side=2E And ultimately=2C it=92s about doing away with demarcations lik=
e =93ours=94 and =93theirs=94=2E It=92s about honoring people=92s other=
ness in ways that allow us to be changed by embracing that otherness rat=
her than punishing others for having a different view=2E --Gloria Anzal=
dua=2C 2002

In Lee Maracle=92s Ravensong (1993) a decaying=2C infrequently used brid=
ge separates White from Native communities=2E As a trope of connection=2C=
 the bridge stands as a question mark in the novel=2E The communities i=
n Maracle=92s novel are separate and in need of a solid bridge=2E This =
conference aims to explore the concept of community and its connections =
to healing=2E Can whole communities heal and how=3F Can a community he=
al a person=3F What tools and therapies have been used and to what effe=
ct=3F What impedes and what encourages healing within a community=3F H=
ow has the research in your field contributed to the issue=3F What stra=
tegies have you employed as a social worker=2C therapist=2C or teacher t=
o foster healing in communities=3F Is there a relationship between stor=
y-telling=2C community=2C and healing=3F Does literature play a role in=
 community healing=3F

ABAL views its annual conference as a forum for the open discussion of i=
deas=2E As such=2C we are calling for participants rather than papers=2E=
  This is to say that while we invite papers=2C we encourage presenters =
to talk about their research and to involve their audience=2E We welcom=
e proposals to lead talks (20 minutes)=2C panel discussions (45 minutes)=
=2C and workshops (45 minutes)=2E We also invite creative writers to re=
ad from their work to our group=2E ABAL is a multidisciplinary associat=
ion and appreciates contributions from many fields of expertise=2C inclu=
ding English=2C Cultural Studies=2C Social Work=2C Medicine=2C Education=
=2C Psychology=2C Psychiatry=2C Library and Information Services=2C etc=2E=


Please send one copy of the proposal (up to 500 words) by January 15=2C =
2007=2E Your submission should be accompanied by a cover page containin=
g the following information=3A name=3B full mailing address=3B e-mail=2C=
 phone=2C and fax numbers=3B the title of your paper=3B a 50-word biogra=
phical note=3B a description of any audio-visual support you may require=

Please include electronic copies of your bio and proposal in your submis=
sion=2E To enable blind reviewing by assessors=2C your proposal should =
not include your name=2C position=2C or institutional affiliation=2E Se=
nd to Michelle Coupal=2C Department of English=2C University College=2C =
University of Western Ontario=2C London ON N6A 3K7 and mcoupal=40uwo=2Ec=
http=3A//www=2Efedcan=2Eca/congress2007 =

 Michelle Coupal
PhD Candidate
Department of English
University College
University of Western Ontario
London=2C ON Canada N6A 3K7

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Dec 09 2006 - 19:00:29 EST