CFP: Conflict in Post-Cold War Media (grad) (UK) (1/10/07; 3/29/07-3/30/06)

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CFP: AHRC Postgraduate Conference
Redefining Conflict in Post-Cold War Media
School of American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham, UK
March 29-30th, 2007
Since the end of the Cold War, scholarship has provided new definitions of
conflict that have attempted to reconfigure the identity of the 'enemy' or
'other'. Whether in the realm of personal interaction or political
engagements, the changing nature of global politics in the post-Cold War era
has fundamentally impacted the many ways people see themselves in relation
to others. This inter-disciplinary conference encourages fresh scrutiny of
contemporary debates concerning the relevance of 'globalisation', and the
rise of the media to the so-called 'war on terror'.
We welcome papers which address representations of conflict in the post-Cold
War world or those relating to reinterpretations of conflict in the pre-Cold
War era.
Submissions will be welcomed from research students and from interested
established academics working in the fields of film and television studies,
American studies, cultural studies, literature, history, journalism, new
media and social studies.
Topics may include, but are not limited to the following types of conflict:
- Racial/Ethnic
- Cultural
- Religious
- The 'War on Terror'
- War/Warfare/Military History
- Revisionist History and Media Controversies
- Environmental Debates and Issues
- Social/Class
- Gender
- Intergenerational
- Shifting Identities
- Postcolonial Representations
In order to encourage debate and a productive exchange of ideas, the
conference will combine traditional panels with themed round table
discussions, determined by the content of the papers submitted. The
conference will include opportunities to discuss issues related to the
professional development of research students such as publishing
opportunities and academic networking.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words, including AV
requirements and brief CV to:
Ceri Gorton, Conflict Conference
School of American and Canadian Studies
Trent Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD
Deadline for abstracts is 10th January 2007
A copy of the CFP can be found at

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 18:26:44 EST
